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Summertime Tips to Keep the Sun From Wreaking Havoc on Your Skin

Summertime means more time outdoors, which also means more exposure to the harsh effects of the sun. While sunlight has its benefits of course, especially in terms of vitamin D, you need to be careful to ensure it doesn’t wreak havoc on your skin.

Let Richard Blanchar, MD, at Bayview General Medicine & Aesthetics in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, keep you happy and safe this summer. Our goal is to keep you healthy on all levels, from Dr. Blanchar’s medical expertise to our state-of-the-art facility, we can guide you on protecting your skin from the sun with these great tips.

Skin conditions that can worsen in summertime

Sunburn seems to be the most obvious, and too often people allow it to happen more than once. This is painful and dangerous. Remember that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, and one in five people will get some form of it in their life.

Melasma, those brown patches on your face, and age spots also increase with more exposure to the sun.

Because you sweat more in the summer, you’re also prone to more acne breakouts. And if your sweat glands get clogged, your skin may get rashes with little, itchy bumps known as prickly heat or heat rash.

Dry and irritated skin can come about from being in the sun too much and also from spending a lot of time in swimming pools, especially overly chlorinated ones. In addition, there’s a sun allergy people can get, which may present itself in the form of hives.

Summertime tips to keeping your skin safe

Yes, everyone wants to look tan and have golden and glowing skin. But being safe is far more important, and preserving the youth of your skin pays off in the long run. In order to keep your skin from getting damaged this summer, use:

And be sure to hydrate: Drinking lots of water helps your skin and general health. It’s also important to clean, exfoliate, and moisturize your skin daily. Exfoliation removes dead skin and unclogs blocked and congested pores, which makes cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen more effective. Removing the damaged skin allows new and healthier skin to take its place. 

Dr. Blanchar can advise you regarding your skin type and any skin conditions you have to suggest the most appropriate products to use. If you want or need any cosmetic treatments, we can guide you on procedures that can rejuvenate your skin as well. 

What to do if your skin is damaged

Sometimes you may do everything right and still have damage to your skin. Age, the environment, and especially the sun can do that to you. Or perhaps you only started paying attention to taking care of your skin later in life.

If you find yourself in need of any cosmetic procedures, Dr. Blanchar can discuss your options, including a variety of skin resurfacing treatments, both laser and non-laser.

Summer is a time to enjoy yourself and spend quality time with family and friends outdoors. Just be smart and keep the sun from wreaking havoc on your skin. These tips are designed to protect you, but we’re here if you need us. Do not hesitate to call us, or you can request an appointment online.

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